AlexandraTV is a weekly online show filled with inspiration, motivation, advice and strategies to help you live your best life! This show is created and produced by A.V.A. Productions.

At A.V.A. Productions we develop and produce premium and purposeful content across film, television, digital spaces and beyond, in a variety of genres and formats. We are in the business of changing lives and we do it through educational storytelling, transformational coaching and motivational entertaining.

Because we believe that the advice shared on AlexandraTV has the potential of transforming a person’s life, we make every AlexandraTV episodes in three languages (English, French and Spanish), so that more people around the world can be reached and transformed. Our commitment has paid off over the years, as we now have viewers in over 150 countries and in all continents of the world.


A decade ago, I put my very first video on YouTube.

I left it uploading on my computer while I ran outside to catch the 470 bus, which would take me to the Côte Vertu station, from there I’d take the subway to Peel station... I remember I was running late...

I had on a pair of black pants, high heels and a beige top.

I had just turned 20 years old. I was so young and so full of dreams. Dreams and visions that nobody believed in.

I know today that my friends and family’s doubts and concerns about what I was trying to achieve back than, were completely valid...

I mean, who did I think I was?

20 year old girl... Grew up without a father, raised by a single mother, barely graduated from the public high school I went to, was rejected to all the colleges I applied too, even had a juvenile record because a few altercations here and there...

All the odds were against me.

Truly, no one thought this could one day be my life.

That day, I registered my own business, A.V.A. Enterprises, already a decade ago. And from that point on, nothing was ever the same again…

10 years later, I’ve built a successful business, coached hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, travelled the world giving conferences in three languages in Europe, North America and South America and most importantly, became the woman I always wanted to be <3< /p>

Over the past decade, I’ve shared many powerful teachings and strategies on how, you too, can live the life of your dreams, but truly, I was just warming up, preparing and practicing…

Get ready, in this new season of AlexandraTV, you can expect authenticity, innovation, creativity and most importantly, powerful and life-altering content!

Warm-up season is over now, time to play in the big leagues!

Are you ready?

Spin the A.V.A. Wheel of Fortune to find out which of the 10 life aspects you need to focus on at the moment. Discover what destiny holds in store for you and which self-improvements the future will bring!